You can sign in automatically to any Microsoft consumer service using your saved Microsoft Account credentials.
(For a full list, see "Windows 10 roaming settings reference.") That includes personalization settings like your desktop background, saved passwords (including Wi-Fi profiles), language and regional settings, and more.
Windows allows you to sync settings between PCs where you sign in using the same Microsoft account. Signing in with a Microsoft account stores a record of your successful activation, allowing you to easily restore your activation (no product key required) if you ever have to reinstall Windows. If you turn on BitLocker encryption (Pro and Enterprise editions only), your recovery key is stored in OneDrive, allowing you to retrieve your data if you find yourself locked out. On PCs designed for Windows 10 or Windows 11, signing in with a Microsoft account automatically enables full-disk encryption for the system drive, even on systems running Home edition. To do this, click on the User Account that you just created (it will be listed on Family & other users screen) and select Change Account Type option.Signing in to your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC with a Microsoft account offers several distinct benefits: Hence, the next essential step is to grant Admin Privileges to the Standard Local Account that you just created. The above steps will create a Local Account with limited Privileges. On the next screen, type User Name, Password, Re-enter Password, complete 3 Security questions and click on the Next button. On Create Account Screen, select Add a user without Microsoft account option. On the next screen, click on I don’t have this person’s sign-in information. In the right-pane, click on Add someone else to this PC option, located under “Other users” section. Go to Settings > Accounts > select Family & other users tab in the left pane. In order to create New Accounts, you need to be logged-in to your computer using either Microsoft Account or a Local Account with Admin Privileges.
Create Administrator Account in Windows 10 Hence, the only way to create a New Admin Account in Windows 10 is to Add a New Account to the computer and then grant Admin Privileges to this Account.
Once the computer is setup, any New Local Accounts that you create on the computer will be Standard User Accounts by default and they will have limited privileges.